Board of Directors and Community Councils

United Way of Coastal and Western Connecticut is overseen by a Board of Directors comprised of members from each communityGreater Bridgeport, Greater Norwalk, Northern Fairfield County, Southern Litchfield County, and Stamfordthat provide expertise and perspective on a regional level. 




SUPPORTING PARTNERS: ARKA | Eversource | Kimberly-Clark | Tasty Bite


Cheryl Bakewell
Bakewell & Mulhare LLC

Carolyn Kobsa
Nonprofit Consultant

Paul Reszutek
Deloitte LLP (Retired)

Ken Weinstein
Newtown Savings Bank

Luis Diez
Northern Trust
Stamford Community Council Chair 

Michael Stern, PhD. 
Clinical Psychologist 
Northern Fairfield County Community Council Chair 

Katherine Webster O’Keefe
Southern Litchfield County Community Council Chair 

Noel Anderson
Pitney Bowes
Greater Bridgeport Community Council Chair 

Samuel Tingley
M&T Bank Corporation
Greater Norwalk Community Council Chair

Christina Bodine Aysseh
Atlantic Community Bankers Bank

Doreen Bentson 

Paul H. Bruce
Union Savings Bank

Carmen Hughes
City of Stamford

Tom McCarthy
Town of Trumbull

Aaron Meyer
Retired Portfolio Manager and Community Volunteer

Vikram Nafde
Webster Bank

Mark Ouellette
Pitney Bowes

S. Giles Payne
Brody Wilkinson PC

Jerry Rosenberg
Hartley & Parker Limited Inc.

Bob Trefry
PathQuest Coaching and Consulting, LLC


Our community councils are collaborative groups of local leaders and volunteers dedicated to addressing the needs and enhancing the well-being of our communities.

Our Community Councils represent each of our locales, focusing on local priorities and identifying community needs. We thank our dedicated volunteers who share their knowledge and time as members of our Greater Bridgeport Community Council.

Noel Anderson
Pitney Bowes

Mark Barnhart
Fairfield University

Lucy Teixeira

Christina Bodine Aysseh
Atlantic Community Bankers Bank

Our Community Councils represent each of our locales, focusing on local priorities and identifying community needs. We thank our dedicated volunteers who share their knowledge and time as members of our Greater Norwalk Community Council.

Sam Tingley
M&T Bank

Jennifer Barahona
Norwalk Acts

Susan Weinberger

Brian Griffin
Norwalk Chamber

Our Community Councils represent each of our locales, focusing on local priorities and identifying community needs. We thank our dedicated volunteers who share their knowledge and time as members of our Northern Fairfield Community Council.

Adrienne Barr
Independent Advisory Management Consultant

Matthew Cassavechia
Nuvance/Danbury Hospital

Ronald Herren
Community Representative

Kim Karl
Savings Bank of Danbury

Greg Manning
Webster Bank

Nelson Merchan
Connecticut Small Business Development Center

MaryAnn Murtha
Western Connecticut State University

Katie Pearson
Danbury Public Library

Sandra L. Rankin
IBM Retiree

Dawn Reshen-Doty
Benay Enterprises, Inc.

Jeff Ryer
Ryer Associates, Inc.

Michael L. Stern, PhD
Community Representative

Kasey Yakavonis
Newtown Savings Bank 

Patrice “Pat” Boily
Quinnipiac University

Helen Brickfield
Danbury Chamber of Commerce

Our Community Councils represent each of our locales, focusing on local priorities and identifying community needs. We thank our dedicated volunteers who share their knowledge and time as members of our Southern Litchfield Community Council.

Lynda Lee Arnold, Esq.
Czepiga Daly Pope & Perri, LLC

Cheryl Bakewell
Bakewell & Mulhare, LLC

Ivana Butera
New Milford Social Services

Steve Consiglio

Barbara Dratch
Moots Pellegrini Law Firm

Evan Hack, MD
Candlewood Valley Pediatrics

Holly Hollander
New Milford Public Schools

Alex Rafoss
Savings Bank of Danbury

Katherine Webster-O'Keefe, Esq.
Law Office of Katherine Webster-O'Keefe

Our Community Councils represent each of our locales, focusing on local priorities and identifying community needs. We thank our dedicated volunteers who share their knowledge and time as members of our Stamford Community Council.

Luis F. Diez
Northern Trust

Evan A. Foley
Avison Young

Kumrija-Kim Ganic

Kimberly Greene
Thomson Reuters

George Herring
Patriot Bank

Jerred Jones
Boys & Girls Club of Stamford

Sally Kelman
Community Member

David Pergola

John Varamo
City of Stamford

Sandy Weinberg
O'Connor Davies

Patrice Blue- Williams

Jessica Signor
Shipman Goodwin, LLC