Get ready to lace up your sneakers! Join us on Thursday, September 8th at Berkshire Corporate Park for a scenic and challenging certified 5K. Teams, walkers, and runners are welcome. Can’t attend in person? No worries, in addition to the in-person event we will continue to offer virtual, non-competitive participation.
When you run, you support United Way of Western Connecticut's work to make a difference in the lives of households that live paycheck-to-paycheck and struggle to make ends meet, a group that we call ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). These households earn more than the Federal Poverty Level, but less than the basic cost of living for our area. Combined, the number of ALICE and poverty-level households in our region is nearly 52,000. That’s 38% of our local population in Western Connecticut.
Your donation allows us to focus on our commitment to ensuring that every child enters school ready to learn, every family is financially stable and every community we serve is healthy and strong. With your support, we will continue to fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in Greater Danbury, Greater New Milford, and Stamford.
To sign up, donate, or become a sponsor, click here.